Monday, April 23, 2007

Netflix Just Got Better

You can now stream movies straight from the Netflix website. Every Netflix member has access to this feature for free! The amount of hours of movies you get to watch every month depends on which plan you have. For each $1 of monthly plan cost excluding taxes, one hour of instant watching is included with your membership. Dopeness.

Check em:


Anonymous said...

thats a rad feature too bad it isnt mac compatible. gayballzzzzznas.

Blastyojaw said...

I'm sure it will be mac compatible soon. I don't think they even made an announcement about this new feature yet. I just noticed it the other day when updating my queue. Netflix did shitty in the 1st quarter of the year, so I think they need this feature to bounce back. The senior VP from Cisco just joined the Netflix BOD, so things should only get better because genius + genius = mega genius. Now only if they could steal some google dudes.